Author Archives: Sverre Molland

About Sverre Molland

Sverre Molland is an Associate Professor in Anthropology at the Australian National University, Australia. His research examines the intersections between migration, development and security in a comparative perspective, with specific focus on governance regimes and intervention modalities in mainland Southeast Asia.

Deport or Treat? Migration Governance, Health, and Brokered Biolegitimacy

This paper examines how biolegitimacy and brokering are central to labor migration governing regimes in Thailand. Whereas undocumented migrants would risk deportation whilst seeking health services in the past, current policy responses favor medical treatment – as opposed to deportation – regardless of patients’ legal migrant status. Exploring how migrants’ corporal bodies give rise to new forms of policy practices and claim-making, the paper explicates how these changes have enabled a broadened operational space for aid agencies that assist labor migrants. At the same time, Continue reading → Continue reading →