Author Archives: Margot Tudor

About Margot Tudor

Margot Tudor is a lecturer in Foreign Policy and Security in the Department of International Politics at City, University of London. She is the author of Blue Helmet Bureaucrats: United Nations Peacekeeping and the Reinvention of Colonialism, 1945-1971 (Cambridge University Press, 2023) and several journal articles on UN peacekeeping, international interventions, and military humanitarianism.

Mission Impossible? Humanitarian Actors and the Civilizational Logic of International Aid Delivery during the “Congo Crisis,” 1960–1964

This article examines the historical lineages and colonial logics underpinning humanitarian officials’ misconduct and the justifications for their actions whilst deployed to the UN peacekeeping mission Opération des Nations Unies au Congo or ONUC, (1960-1964). Using analysis of oral testimonies, UN video footage, personal papers, and newspaper articles, it pieces together a fragmentary history of humanitarian officials’ conduct on the ground and draws attention to the colonial continuities in Western humanitarian practice during decolonisation. Focusing on instances of field-based transgression by international officials deployed during Continue reading → Continue reading →