Author Archives: Seth Anziska

About Seth Anziska

Seth Anziska is the Mohamed S. Farsi-Polonsky Lecturer in Jewish-Muslim Relations at University College London and the 2016-2017 Taub Postdoctoral Fellow at New York University. He focuses on the international history of the Middle East in the twentieth century, Israeli and Palestinian society and culture, and contemporary Arab and Jewish politics. He completed his doctorate in history at Columbia University in 2015, and was awarded the Oxford University Press Dissertation Prize in International History (2016). His first book on the fate of Palestinian self-determination in the 1970s and 1980s, Preventing Palestine, will be published by Princeton University Press.

Autonomy as State Prevention: The Palestinian Question after Camp David, 1979–1982

The context of Israel’s post-1967 rule over the Palestinian territories, which began well after the end of empire, the mandates, and the major waves of decolonization, sheds new light on the relationship between late-twentieth-century occupation and the persistence of prolonged statelessness. This essay examines how a particular practice within the political and diplomatic repertoire of transformative occupation—the promotion of local autonomy—was successfully deployed in the Israeli-Palestinian arena. It charts the emergence of autonomy from the time of the 1978 Camp David Accords and delineates its Continue reading → Continue reading →