Author Archives: Nathaniel Berman

About Nathaniel Berman

Nathaniel Berman holds the Rahel Varnhagen Chair in Brown University’s Department of Religious Studies. His work concerns the construction of alterity in discourses ranging from early-twentieth-century international law to thirteenth-century kabbalah. Among his publications are Divine and Demonic in the Poetic Mythology of The Zohar: The “Other Side” of Kabbalah (Brill 2018) and Passion and Ambivalence: Colonialism, Nationalism, and International Law (Brill, 2011).

International Law: A Novel, by G. (reviewed by a protagonist)

This essay is part of a symposium on Gerry Simpson’s The Sentimental Life of International Law. All contributions to the symposium can be found here.   [I]rony [is employed] as a defense, . . . especially against the expression of intense affect . . . – M.H. Stein (1985) G.’s aspiration in his splendid new book[1] appears to be to rewrite international law as a vast novel, much as (another) G. sought to rewrite world history as a vast novel two centuries ago, in his Continue reading →