Author Archives: Estella Carpi

About Estella Carpi

is presently a final-year PhD Candidate in Social Anthropology at the University of Sydney and Social Science Researcher at Trends Research & Advisory. Since 2010, Estella has been conducting research on the social response to humanitarian assistance in Lebanon from the 2006 war against Israel until the present, in the framework of the aid provision to Syrian refugees. After pursuing Arabic and Islamic Studies in Milan and Damascus (2002-2008), she has worked as a research consultant for the Cairo-based International Development Research Centre (2008-2010), focusing on social protection systems for vulnerable categories in Egypt, Lebanon, Yemen, Morocco and Algeria. She has also worked for UNDP-Egypt in the Arab Trade and Development Programme.

The Abused Politics of “Minorities” and “Majorities”: Quantifiable Entities or Shifting Sites of Power?

Scholars, pundits, opinion-makers, and the general public too often agree that the primary concern to address today in the contemporary Middle East is religious diversity and the need to protect religious minorities. As a result, the so-called religious minorities have gradually come to constitute a fundamental feature of state politics. They are usually depicted and discussed as unchangeable entities presenting coherent political assets in international affairs, as well as analytical categories through which a more immediate understanding of the Middle Eastern scenario is finally possible. This Continue reading →