Author Archives: Diren Valayden

About Diren Valayden

Diren Valayden is Assistant Professor in the Department of Human Development at Binghamton University. His research interests include the conceptual history of race and the global expressions of racisms.

Humanization as Money: Modern Monetary Theory and the Critique of Race

Abstract: In this article, we build on the work of Frantz Fanon and Paulo Freire to develop a relational understanding of dehumanization and humanization through money. We first show that Fanon and Freire share a critical normative vision of humanization, which they conceptualize as that which occurs when people reject dehumanizing practices that deny their agency, begin to grasp their world-in-common, and emerge as historical agents who remake it. In a second step, we advance Fanon’s and Freire’s vision by identifying the constitutive and dehumanizing Continue reading → Continue reading →